Have questions?

See our Q&As below to learn more.

Q: What is the Channelside Weight Loss Program?
A: Our weight loss membership program utilizes the best compound medications available to help you achieve your weight loss goals (if determined to be appropriate) in combination with a tailored nutritional and lifestyle plan. Your program will be customized to your individual needs as we take into account your health history, medications, and weight loss goals. The program is designed to promote healthy weight loss and sustainable lifestyle changes, and our team of healthcare professionals will be there to support and guide you every step of the way.

Q: What is the refund/cancellation policy?
A: If medication has been prescribed and shipped to you, there is no option for a refund. 

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy or your medication, please do not hesitate to contact us at hello@channelsidehw.com. Our team is here to provide assistance and support to ensure your utmost satisfaction with our services.

Q: What is semaglutide?
A: Semaglutide is a medication for adults designed to manage overweight and obesity. It is designed to help them lose weight and keep it off when used alongside a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity.

Q: How does semaglutide work?
Semaglutide works by replicating a hormone in your body that regulates appetite and food intake. This can help you feel fuller sooner, thus reducing your portion sizes and overall calorie intake.

Q: What are the potential side effects of semaglutide?
A: While most people tolerate semaglutide well, some common side effects can include nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting. More serious side effects can occur, but they are less common. Always consult your healthcare provider for any potential side effects.

Q: How is semaglutide administered?
A: Semaglutide is usually administered by injection under the skin on a weekly basis.

Q: Can semaglutide help me lose weight?
A: Yes, semaglutide is designed to aid in weight loss by suppressing your appetite and helping you feel fuller. This is most effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Q: How long does it take to see results from semaglutide?
The length of time will vary between individuals, but typically, patients begin to see weight loss results within a few weeks of starting the medication.

Q: Will my insurance cover semaglutide?
A: Channelside does not accept insurance at this time. You may check with your primary care provider to see if you qualify for insurance coverage for semaglutide; it will depend on your individual policy. It's also best to check with your insurance provider to determine whether this medication is covered at all.

Q: Can I take semaglutide if I have pre-existing medical conditions?
A: It depends on the specific medical condition. It's always important to discuss your medical history and current medications with your healthcare provider before starting a new medication.

Q: Can I use semaglutide for long-term weight management?
A: Yes. Semaglutide can be used as part of a long-term weight-management plan. However, long-term use should be under the direction and supervision of a health care provider.

Remember to always consult with your channelside healthcare practitioner for personalized medical advice.

Learn more about Semaglutide

Curious about Male Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Q: What is male hormone replacement therapy?
A: Male hormone replacement therapy, also known as testosterone replacement therapy, is a treatment administered to men who have low levels of testosterone, a condition often referred to as hypogonadism.

Q: How does male hormone replacement therapy work?
A: Male hormone replacement therapy works by supplementing your body with testosterone to help reach normal hormone levels. This can help alleviate symptoms of low testosterone, such as fatigue, depression, difficulty concentrating, and decreased sexual desire.

Q: What are the potential side effects of male hormone replacement therapy?
A: While most people tolerate hormone replacement therapy well, some potential side effects can include skin reactions at the application site, increased risk of sleep apnea, growth of prostate, increased red blood cell count, and potential cardiovascular risks. It's important to discuss these potential risks with your healthcare provider.

Q: How is male hormone replacement therapy administered?
A: There are several ways to administer male hormone replacement therapy, including skin patches or gels, injections, and implantable pellets. The method of administration depends on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and medical history.

Q: Who is a candidate for male hormone replacement therapy?
A: Adult men who have sufficiently low levels of testosterone, verified by blood tests, and who experience symptoms associated with low testosterone are potential candidates for male hormone replacement therapy. It's important to consult with a Channelside healthcare professional who can evaluate your symptoms and test your testosterone levels to determine if this therapy is appropriate for you.

Q: Does insurance cover male hormone replacement therapy?
A: Channeside does not take insurance. Insurance coverage for male hormone replacement therapy varies greatly depending on the insurance provider and plan. You should check with your primary care provider and insurance carrier to determine if this treatment is covered.

Q: Can male hormone replacement therapy help with weight loss?
A: Testosterone plays a role in fat metabolism, so some men might experience weight loss when starting hormone replacement therapy. However, this therapy should not be viewed as a weight-loss solution and should be complemented by a balanced diet and regular exercise. Male HRT may also be supplemented with weight loss peptides to facilitate weight loss.

Q: How long does it take to see results from male hormone replacement therapy?
A: The timeline for seeing results from male hormone replacement therapy varies by individual. Some symptoms like low libido might improve within a few weeks, while other improvements, like increase in muscle mass or weight loss, might take several months.

Q: Can I undergo male hormone replacement therapy if I have other existing health conditions?
A: It depends on your specific condition. Some health issues, like prostate disease, could be worsened by testosterone therapy, so it's essential to discuss your complete medical history with your Channelside healthcare provider before starting treatment.

As with any medical intervention, communication with an knowledgeable healthcare provider is key when considering male hormone replacement therapy. Book an appointment with a Channelside practitioner to see if you are a candidate for male hormone replacement therapy.

Learn more about Male HRT